Sunday, November 27, 2011

PDF Unlocker Free Download

Hey guys! Lola Techy here. And as my first post, a PDF Unlocker, viola! This may be useful to some young studs out there who are into using PDF files for some other purposes. He he he *inserts evil laugh here*

This PDF Unlocker may be used to:

1. Remove PDF Restriction – PDF Unlocker is a PDF Restriction Removal tool that can remove PDF restrictions for copying, editing, printing & extracting.

2. Remove Restriction from Protected PDF File – Remove protected Adobe Acrobat PDF files, removing restrictions on printing, editing, copying (you should have the right to do it or you should know the User Password.).

This also:

* Supports all version of Adobe Acrobat – SysTools PDF Unlocker successfully Acrobat version up to 9, even with 128-bit or 256-bit encryption.

And lastly:

* Software runs on all Windows version – SysTools PDF Unlocker software successfully supports & runs on all Windows.

Just download it HERE and enjoy!

Lola Techy

When Technology Meets Soliloquy

It has been almost a year since I started this blog site, Memories and Mysteries is its current blog title, and I realized that most of my blogs are about me ranting over my I-do-not-know-how-to-describe-it day or cheesy stuff (Damn! Hate to admit it but it's a true story, bro.). So, I'll be here as your Lola Techy, my other half, and post some helpful download links for your PC, and maybe post other not-so-much-about-me blogs, though I'll still keep the this blog site updated about my personal life (hopefully...). I'm kind of thinking about earning some bucks, so might as well be tuned for whatever I'll be posting here, that is only if you're interested at all. Well, I was actually thinking of creating a new blog just for the purpose of giving out free download links, but then I realized that it will cause me all the effort to update it, especially now that I'm not much into using the computer for non-academic and non-entertaining stuff. Heh heh. So, might as well just use this old one. Anyway, I'm just doing this for the sake that my blog would be of use, somehow.

So... as an introduction, why choose Lola Techy as my screen name? 'Coz at school (college that is), particularly in our block, I'm more known as Lola (which is the Filipino for grandmother); while techy since the blog entries should be about technology-related stuff, well... kinda, or maybe just about a lola who knows how to use the computer. Kidding aside. To make it more specific, just check the entry title, "When Technology Meets Soliloquy." Need I to say more?

Lovingly Yours,
Lola Techy

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dopey in Star Wars

Just when Dopey from Snow White got into the Star Wars film... And yes, it did not make any sense at all.

Regrets will always shoot you in the head after some time when everything seems to be just as fine as it can be. This week, I am suffering from a terribly ultimate dumbness (Well, I can't say it's a mistake... so dumbness it is.) I had way back in my freshman days. And instead of preparing for it now, here I am, in front of the laptop, just to write this bullshit down. I am still thankful that life has been good to me, for giving me this third chance already. I just hope I'll do well enough to pass through this mishap this coming Friday. If not, then kill me, please.

Just Bic

Familiar with the Bic ballpoint pen? Well, I'm not much of a fan of this brand either... but this simple yet uncommon tool can be used to make such beautiful transformations on a piece of clean white paper.

Can I please have more of that orgasmic face? But there are plenty of boobs if you'd like some.

Browsing some popular sites in the meme world, came across such masterpiece, rather masterpieces. Who'd believe, when seen this for the first time, that this is actually purely sketched using a Bic ballpoint pen? Well as for me, it was a little hard to believe but it seems legit, thanks to one good-internet-fellow-stranger who took the effort to research about the artist and his viola masterpiece.

Who'd thought that these could be better than paint brush?

Well, all my intentions are just to feature this awesome guy (Go Juan Francisco Casas!), so better check out his online gallery! Just click here and prepare to be amazed. Last couple of words for you dude, "Keep the boobs coming!"
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